In Game Rules
Rising Force Nexus In-Game Policy
In accordance with our established policies, specific penalties will be enforced on accounts found to be in violation of the Code of Conduct and the infractions listed below. It is the responsibility of every player to familiarize themselves with our policies, violations, and penalties, as outlined in the End User License Agreement. Claims of ignorance regarding this information will not be accepted.
Below are the general account penalties maintained by the Rising Force Nexus Staff. Additionally, there are game-specific account penalties that can be accessed via the appropriate links at the bottom of this page. Generally, game-specific penalties will take precedence over our general penalties. However, please note that depending on the nature of the violation, either general or game-specific penalties may apply, with the determination resting solely with the Rising Force Nexus Staff.
Game Moderator Game Moderators are committed to helping and guiding users to experience the game at its full potential. Every effort must be made to bring prompt service and improve the game's quality. GMs are to respond to users’ needs politely and professionally. What GMs can do for players of RF Online: • GMs will do their best in answering questions and handling complaints or concerns users may have in-game. • GMs are to respond politely and professionally. • GMs are to oversee events or quests in-game. • GMs may kick or suspend players that violate the Mandate of Heaven and Code of Conduct depending on the severity of the violation.
What GMs cannot do for players of RF Online: • GMs cannot and will not participate in any party or guild. They cannot and will not “tank” for or provide “buffs” to players unless it coincides with an event or promotion that requires them to do so. • GMs cannot and will not give players items, potions, or gold (trading with players is not allowed) unless it is part of an event or promotion. • GMs will not give special treatment to any player or specific group of players. GMs are to be impartial, unbiased, and objective within the scope of their responsibilities and judgment.
Offense List
I. Verbal Offenses Use of Profanity or Obscenities in any means Users are prohibited from using sexually explicit, harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive language.
Users are prohibited to post or link to any sexually explicit, harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive imagery or content.
Spamming or Flooding in any type of channel When communicating in RF Online using server-wide chat, users are prohibited from spam, flooding, or making duplicate posts.
II. Harassment Harassing or Defaming users or Game Staff Harassment, by definition, persistent, disallowed actions against another person, is strictly prohibited. Anything that imposes on another person’s natural rights is not allowed.
Attempting to directly or indirectly assassinate a GM character or another player’s character is prohibited.
Making Real Life Threats Threats in any form, even in jest, are not allowed and will be treated seriously.
Distributing another user’s Real Life Personal Information Users are prohibited from posting or communicating another player’s real-life information (name, address, account name, etc.) through the RF Online game or the official RF Online Groups, such as on Facebook or Forums.
Impersonating a Game Staff, Affiliate, or another player Users are prohibited from impersonating a Game Moderator or any Game Staff. Players are not allowed to impersonate other players as well.
Civil War*
A guild may declare civil war against another guild if an offensive action was done against them or the race. All guilds that are under civil war can kill their enemies & be killed by their enemies anytime at any location. During the civil war, only the Lowbie Killing rule is NOT APPLICABLE. You can be killed regardless of your level if your guild is under civil war. Race leaders are also NOT ALLOWED to put a character on the wanted status if they are under civil war and the actions done are against their enemy guild.
Race Leader Power Abuse* It is the responsibility of the race leaders to properly indicate the correct and valid reason for putting a character on wanted or chat ban status. Putting someone on WANTED or CHAT BAN status without complete evidence will be subject to an account ban. Evidences taken outside the game will not be considered. The account owner will be the one responsible for every action that his/her character does, declaring “pilot” as a reason will NOT be entertained. Reports related to Pit Boss or Pit Boss Areas (HQ & Settlement ONLY) will NOT be entertained. EXTENDING someone’s WANTED or CHAT BAN status without another action committed is NOT ALLOWED. Failure to comply will result to a 3 days ban for the first offense up to 30 days ban for the 3rd offense.
Settlement Possession Policy All guilds taking over settlement possessions will be investigated regularly. If a guild is proven NOT participating in Chip War but has acquired top 1 & 2 highest honor points, There will be violations regarding this matter. Minimum no. of members to attend the Chip War should be at least 8 ~ 12. It is recommended that you save screenshots or videos as proof incase investigation takes place.
III. Others
Any act or behavior deemed inappropriate by Rising Force Nexus Staff is prohibited. Users are not allowed to violate any local, state, national, or international laws and regulations.
Any actions similar to those listed above but not explicitly mentioned will still be governed by the Rising Force Nexus Game Rules and Policies. This set of rules may be modified at any time at the discretion of the Rising Force Nexus Staff, with proper notification of the changes provided through the Rising Force Nexus official website and social media, groups, and forums.
*The Rising Force Nexus Staff's decision on any case is final.
All offense reports will be reviewed by the Rising Force Nexus Staff. Offenses have varying degrees of severity, and it will be up to the Rising Force Nexus Staff to assess and administer the corresponding punishment based on the evidence and details of the case. The severity of each case will be categorized as follows:
I. General Misconducts
Cursing, swearing, or use of foul language
Offensive or vulgar character and guild names
Defaming a Game Moderator
Attempting to deceive any Rising Force Nexus Staff
Misuse of the official Rising Force Nexus social media, groups, and forums
Inappropriate advertising
Circulating false information
Reporting false incidents
Account theft or hacking
Grief and nuisance accounts
Kill stealing or griefing
II. General Fraud
III. Game Integrity Infringement
Use or distribution of any hacks or hacking programs
General attempt to defraud
Impersonation of a Game Moderator, Rising Force Nexus Staff, or Government Official
Circulating false information
Deliberate abuse of game bugs
Attempting to deceive any Rising Force Nexus Staff
Account theft or hacking
Unauthorized account access
Duplicating items or possession of duplicated items
Also, be reminded that Rising Force Nexus reserves the right to evaluate every incident on a case-by-case basis; meaning that actions taken in one case may differ from those taken in other cases of a similar nature.
Here's the updated table with only the specified headers and the offenses placed on top of the penalties:
Cursing, Swearing, Racist Comments, or use of Foul language
3 Days Chat Ban
7 Days Account Ban
14 Days Account Ban
Distribution of another user’s Real Life Personal Information
3 Days Account Ban
7 Days Account Ban
14 Days Account Ban
Flooding/Spamming (All Chat Channels)
1 Day Chat Ban
3 Days Chat Ban
7 Days Chat Ban
Sexual Harassment (obscene or reference to body parts in non-scientific discussion)
7 Days Account Ban
14 Days Account Ban
30 Days Account Ban
Defaming a Game Moderator
3 Days Account Ban
30 Days Account Ban
Permanent Ban
Advertising Other Servers
Permanent Ban
Reporting False incidents
3 Days Account Ban
7 Days Account Ban
14 Days Account Ban
References to illegal drugs or activities
3 Days Chat Ban
7 Days Chat Ban
Lowbie Killing (Same Race)
3 Days Account Ban
7 Days Account Ban
14 Days Account Ban
Game Integrity Infringement
Account Closure
Safe-Zone Healing or Debuffing (Except in Settlements)
7 Days Account Ban
14 Days Account Ban
30 Days Account Ban
Race Leader Power Abuse (Wanted and Chat Ban)
3 Days Account Ban
7 Days Account Ban
14 Days Account Ban
Council Member Absenteeism
1 Day Account Ban
3 Days Account Ban + CPT wipe
7 Days Account Ban + CPT wipe
CPT Feeding
7 Days Account Ban + CPT wipe (all characters involved)
15 Days Account Ban + CPT wipe (all characters involved)
30 Days Account Ban + CPT wipe (all characters involved)
Map/Terrain Glitches
14 Days Account Ban
30 Days Account Ban
Permanent Ban
Terrain Bug inside Battle Dungeons (Including Party Members)
30 Days Account Ban + Character level reduced to Level 1
Permanent Ban
Forced Logout
3 Days Account Ban
7 Days Account Ban
30 Days Account Ban
Client Modification
7 Days Account Ban
30 Days Account Ban
Permanent Ban
Hiding Inside MAU
3 Days Account Ban
7 Days Account Ban
30 Days Account Ban
Tower Inside MAU or Chip
3 Days Account Ban
7 Days Account Ban
30 Days Account Ban
DPS/Healing while inside the Chip/Pillar or any other huge NPCs
3 Days Account Ban
7 Days Account Ban
30 Days Account Ban
Circulating false information
3 Days Account Ban
7 Days Account Ban
Account Closure
Deliberate abuse of Game bugs
3 Days Account Ban
7 Days Account Ban
Account Closure
Selling of Council / Race Leaders Account are not allowed and will be Banned
Account Closure
Trash Buffing is not allowed.
1 Day Account Ban
7 Days Account Ban
30 Days Account Ban
CB BUFF BUG is not allowed. To remove it you need to join the guild again.
3 Days Account Ban
7 Days Account Ban
30 Days Account Ban
Cut skills is not allowed.
3 Days Account Ban
7 Days Account Ban
30 Days Account Ban
Naming Policy (Profanity or Abusive words)
7 Days Account Ban
15 Days Account Ban
Impersonation of a GM, Game Staff or affiliate, or Government Officials
Account Closure
Attempting to deceive any Game Staff
Account Closure
Use or Distribution of any Hack/Hacking Programs
Account Closure
General Attempt to Defraud
Account Closure
Account Theft or Hacking
Account Closure
Unauthorized Account Access
Account Closure
Duplicating items or possession of illegal items
3 Days Account Ban + Illegal Items Wipe
Account Closure
Settlement Possession Infraction
Guild Deletion
30 Days Guild Leader Account Ban + Guild Deletion
Item Bug Abuse
14 Days Account Ban + Full Item Wipe
30 Days Account Ban + Full Item Wipe
Account Closure
Account Closure + Hardware and IP Ban
Council Chat Infraction
Final Warning
Removal from Post
AFK/Bot Farming and Tab Targeting Abuse
3 Days Account Ban
7 Days Account Ban
30 Days Account Ban
Definition of Terms
RL – Real Life
GM – Game Moderators
NPC – Non-player Character; these are entities in-game that are not controlled by the players, such as shopkeepers or monsters
Naming Policy / No Name Change Policy
The use of profanity or abusive words or phrases, or anything remotely suggesting such, in any language or dialect, is strictly prohibited in the creation of Character Names or Clan Names. Players deemed to have violated this policy are subject to sanctions and may have their Character Name or Clan Name changed or character banned without prior notice. Clans that are disbanded due to violating this policy will not be eligible for compensation.
Harassment Policy
Characters in the game are free to choose who they want to communicate and socialize with (with the possible exception of GMs and other Game staff, but only in their official capacity). A character may cease communications with another character for his/her reasons. If that persistent character insists on sending messages, whether private or public, towards that person who does not want to continue communication, even with a clear warning that he/she does not wish to communicate anymore, then the offended character may report it as a case of harassment, submitting screenshots as evidence.
Scamming Policy
All accounts involved in the trade will be investigated. Scammers, including both main and alternative accounts, will be subject to IP and hardware bans. It is recommended that you save screenshots or videos as proof in case an investigation takes place.
The Rising Force Nexus GMs and Staff will not be responsible for any loss of real money due to scams or unfair trades that are not the result of an in-game bug or exploit. While GMs can recover lost items, they cannot recover lost money. Real money trading is permitted, but players engage in such transactions at their own risk.
AFK/Bot Farming and Tab Targeting Abuse Policy
AFK/Bot farming using tab targeting is prohibited. Players found using these methods will face penalties. To ensure active participation in the game. Players are encouraged to report suspected AFK/bot farming activities.
"Note: ALL violations will be counted PER ACCOUNT. Example below: Character A got banned for Terrain Bug Abuse (7 Days Account Suspension) Character B (same account with Character A) commits the same violation. The account will be banned for 30 Days (2nd Offense)"
Council Chat Policy
All Councils are required to speak English on the race chat channel. Race Councils are expected to adhere strictly to this rule. Non-compliance may result in a warning or removal from their post.
Evidence Policy
Only evidence that is not modified in any manner and shows the incident clearly can be applied in our case processing. Screenshots may suffice for any chat or verbal offenses. With regard to complicated offenses such as kill-stealing and griefing, in-game videos would have to be provided. You can use file hosting services such as Mediafire or Google Drive to upload your videos.
*Note: Screenshots must be submitted in .jpg format, with at least High image quality.
The name of the offender must be clearly seen, and the screenshot or video must show the offender in action.
The following are the ONLY official websites of Rising Force Nexus: