Settlements Mining
What is an establishment territory?
In the planet of Novus, each race is given 2 establishment territories, Owning an establishment territory means that the guild controls every single aspect (from economics to properties). A guild can become more powerful from managing establishment territories, Hence should be regarded as one of primary objective if the guild wishes to become stronger.
Establishment territories can be owned by 2 guilds (that are ranked second class or above) that have the highest contribution rankings. Ownership of the territory will last for a week (starting from Monday 00:00). Weekly contribution ratings can be obtained through the examples below
All the kill points that are weekly accumulated (from PVP) from all guild members.
In guild wars (Scramble) will increase or decrease the contribution/credit points
When the class show the same exact number of credit points, the following steps will be preformed to chose a guild to own these properties.
The guild with higher class
The guild with a higher PvP contribution rate
The guild that consist with higher level users
Information regarding weekly contribution/credit points can be checked through “Guild Manger” within the game.
The guild has two highest amount of contribution/credit points have these following rights for territory ownership.
First ranking guild per race – Establishment territory ownership (with a grant to use None-Personnel Boring Machine), rights to control the tax rates for every transactions.
Second ranking guild per race – Establishment territory ownership (with grant to use the None-Personnel Boring Machine).
The each territory that can be owned by each race.
First Place
Armory 213
Solus Settlement
Haram Stockade
Second Place
Armory 117
Anaacade Settlement
Numerus Stockade
Unmanned Boring Machines are placed in each field of establishment territories. These machines can excavate +4 Ores in any kind of mining grounds.
What is a +4 Ore?
Blue Ore +4
Green Ore +4
Red Ore +4
Yellow Ore +4
Black Ore +4
It is an Ore that can only be found through using Unmanned Boring Machines. The characteristics are as the following:
It can be processed into Jewel/Talic with high probabilities
When processed, fragment of Excelsiars are created
It can obtain T4 Jewel
T4 Jewels:
Land’s Topaz
Ruby Salamander
Crystal Angel
Obsidian Truth
Managing the Unmanned Boring Machines
Unmanned Boring Machines can only be managed by the guild master of the guild that controls the territory.
01 | Amount of Battery
The battery gauge indicates the amount of battery that is left to power the None-Personnel Boring Machines. THe battery lasts 24 hours and it is rechargable.
02 | Recharging Battery
It is a place where the guild master can charge the battery by using the arrow key. indicates the amount of gold to recharge the battery and it will show the subsequent amount of how much the battery will be recharged. To recharge for 24 hours, the guild master must spend 5000 gold
03 | Selecting Ore
Select the color of ore that is to be excavated
04 | Operating the Unmanned Boring Machines
The machine will operate after having a sufficent amount of battery strength and a color of Ore that is to be excavated
05 | Select Inventory
Unmanned Boring Machines consist of 2 sets of inventory that holds 40 slots (in total, 80 slots). Each set of inventory can be monitored
06 | Inventory
Inventory only shows the Ores that are excavated. Each item in the inventory can be moved into personal inventories.
Check the following before operating the Unmanned Boring Machines
The Unmanned Boring Machines can only be managed by the Guild Master.
When the Unmanned Boring Machines’s Inventory is at full capacity, it will automatically cease its operations
When the ownership of the territory is passed on to another guild (at Monday 00:00) all the Ores that remain in Unmanned Boring Machine’s inventory will be erased.
Although it is possible to take items out of the Unmanned Boring Machine’s inventory, it is not possible to put personal items into the machine’s inventory
First place settlement much faster digging than second place settlement.