Race & Class
Bellato Union
The Bellato Union is a technologically advanced race known for their versatility and innovation. They excel in the use of machinery and magic, blending the two to create unique and powerful tools of war. The Bellato are famous for their unique racial ability to pilot MAUs (Massive Armored Units), which are giant robots that can be devastating in battle. They emphasize a balance between physical combat, magical prowess, and technological superiority.
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Holy Alliance Cora
The Holy Alliance Cora, often simply referred to as the Cora, are a mystical race deeply rooted in spirituality and magic. They are known for their elegant and powerful magic users who can summon powerful spiritual beings known as Animus to aid them in battle. The Cora value wisdom and mystical power, making them formidable opponents with their potent spells and summoned allies. Their society is theocratic, guided by a strong spiritual hierarchy.
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Accretia Empire
The Accretia Empire is a race of ruthless and efficient cyborgs who prioritize power and destruction above all else. Their society is highly militaristic and is driven by a desire for conquest and domination. The Accretians are devoid of any natural life and are fully mechanized, which gives them a significant advantage in durability and strength. They rely heavily on advanced weaponry and cybernetic enhancements to overpower their enemies, making them a fearsome force on the battlefield.